Hosting events to raise funds and/or awareness about the Children’s Homes is a hugely important form of support. Raising support for a specific project occurring at the homes, raising awareness about children that still need sponsors, or creating your own event to inform people about our organization are all ways that you can get involved with hosting.
Please email info@childrenleftbehind.org to host an event in your area.

If you would like to invite one of our Children Left Behind board members to speak to your group about the Children’s Homes, issues, or traveling to India, please email us! We have board members in the United States, all of whom have firsthand experience with visiting India and staying at the Children’s Homes.
If time schedules permit, and you are near these areas, we may be able to speak at your event!

We would love for you to tell your friends about what we’re doing at Children Left Behind. Spread the word through social media outlets, talk to your class about it, and continue to stay informed about what we’re up to in India.